Want to get involved with MEM?

We would love to work with you, to design with you, or to collaborate on your area of expertise.

Join @MedEdModels.

Your skills. Our team.

Do you have skills in #MedEd, #SoMe, or #graphicdesign? We are always excited to hear from new potential team members & to support individuals who share our mission to spread important ideas in medical education.

Contact us via Twitter to learn more about the process for joining the MedEd Models team & about which sectors of our team are seeking new members.

MEMify Your Work.

Your work, visualized.

We are passionate about amazing ideas in #MedEd, especially our followers latest contributions to the field!

Have something newly published but need help making it visual? Apply for a MedEd Models visual abstract — if selected, our team will collaborate with you to design an eye-catching summary of your work optimized for #SoMe.

Share Your Expertise.

Your niche. Our platform.

We are always in search of education experts who are excited to co-design content and ensure the high-quality of each & every MEM.

If you have an education niche that might make a great MedEd Model, contact us via Twitter — we would love to hear from you!